Estimated Delivery Time

The estimated delivery time to dispatch the items is given against each product in the product details section. We stick to the delivery timelines. However, in unusual circumstances, the delivery of the products may take longer than usual. In the unlikely event that we cannot deliver your order (complete or partial) on time, we shall cancel the undelivered order and send an email to you informing about the same.

Estimated time for Domestic shipping:

The estimated delivery time 5 to 10 Day's for domestic.

Estimated time for International shipping:

The International orders will take longer shipping time than the domestic ones. The estimated delivery time for International orders is 5 to 15 Day also given against each product in the product detail section on the website.

In case of multiple shipments:

If your order has multiple items, we might ship them in various consignments and separate shipments. If any of your items are unavailable, we will drop you an email and SMS regarding the same, and the amount for such products will get refunded.

In case of damaged or tampered products:

If you believe that the product is not in good condition, or if the packaging is tampered or damaged, please refuse to accept the delivery of the package, and write to us at [email protected]. Please do not forget to mention your order reference number.

If the product is damaged, you can either ask for a refund or exchange the product. In case of the latter, we will do our best to ensure that a replacement delivery is made to you at the earliest.

Refund of damaged and undelivered products:

In such cases, your payment against the undelivered order shall be refunded (complete or partial as the case may be), in your bank account.

NOTE: Please note that we will not refund the amount in cash, and it will only get refunded in the bank account.

A Discrepancy in product delivery:

For any discrepancy in the order delivery, kindly contact us on our customer care number +919582863863 within the given time frame; failing to do so, the claim shall not be accepted.

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